Over 15 years MOVERA have been shown to improve health, wellbeing and performance.
For organizations they may offer the first realistic approach to reduce health care costs, related absences and improve performance. Our work has identified 7 unique organizational characteristics which promise to increase MOVERA effectiveness and results above individual achievements.
Stress is initiated by the survival response in the more archaic parts of the brain. This stress causes problems for both health and performance in modern life where the stress response is not desirable or useful. MOVERA creates signals that travel directly to the parts of the older brain where stress is initiated. There the signals reduce or even stop the stress response. See the list of the major stress dangers MOVERA helps control.
MOVERA is a set of effective, fast working manual stimulation protocols which are targeted at the perceived source of stress. This type of rhythmic stimulation is genetically imprinted in our nervous system to relate to a safe environment which engenders the relaxation response. The basic techniques were discovered in the 1980’s, have since become more simplified and standardized. Our own research and experience have led to further improvements and use.
Lorri Coburn, Therapist and Author
Shares Her Experience With Us


CEO, Founder of Control Stress
Fritz is a productivity and business process improvement expert. He has 2 Master of Science degrees and worked for over 30 years as a manager in the IT area of a Fortune 50 company. But Fritz also suffered a lot from deep stress.
He searched for solutions his whole life. Then, just over 10 years ago, he ran into this new stress reduction technology. It worked fast. It worked miracles. It changed his life within a few weeks! NOW IT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE TOO!
He wanted others to get the same benefits. He trained and coached hundreds of people and ran dozens of workshops. He improved the techniques. He researched why they worked, it is because of the applications of neuroscience. His clients were intelligent people just like you. He wanted to explain the technology and why it works so well. If you knew the science behind it, you could better use it in your life. He knows it can work for you. He knows it can make the world a better place.

Vice President and Scientific Advisor
Judith is from New York City and graduated from Hunter College with a BS in Nursing in 1965. She moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1967 to continue her studies and work in the mental health field. She received an MS in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing in 1969 and a PhD in Educational Psychology in 1981 both from the University of Michigan.
She taught at the University of Michigan School of Nursing for more than thirty years, did research on depression, patient injuries on psychiatric hospital units, and helped develop a theory of human relatedness. She published articles on the results of this research and a book chapter on phenomenology as a research method in nursing. She served on over twenty PhD student doctoral dissertations.
Judith's work included supervising and mentoring her students in a wide range of clinical settings. She did research to develop improved patient care in a psychiatric unit. For ten years she served as the Director of Student Affairs, concerned with the wellbeing and academic success of nursing students.
In her community service, Judith led groups for miscarriage and newborn loss support, for older adults, and for women who had experienced sexual abuse.
Now retired, she devotes herself to working with her husband helping individuals and organizations to reduce stress and thereby improve health, wellbeing and performance. Judith lives with her husband in Ann Arbor, they have three grown sons and four grandsons.